Radiation non-ideal MHD simulations of protoplanetary disks

The movie shows density fluctuations of radiation non-ideal MHD simulations including dust sublimation (Flock et al. 2017).

Density fluctuations rendered with RADMC3D

Radiation MHD simulations

The movie shows the turbulent and thermal evolution of a protoplanetary disk using radiation MHD simulations including irradiation by the star. This simulations use real physical units. Turbulent velocities are presented in units of m/s.
It ranges from several thousand meters per second in the upper layers of the disk down to 10-100 meters per second in the midplane region. For more information please refer to Flock et al. 2013.

Turbulent velocity in radiative MHD simulations
Temperature in radiative MHD simulations
Temperature fluctuations in radiative MHD simulations